Ministerio de Jóvenes

Para jóvenes de 6 a 12 grado

Que Significa Kaio?

KAIO es una palabra

Griega que significa

encender, quemar y consumir con fuego.

Porque Jehová tu Dios es fuego consumidor, Dios celoso. Deut. 4:24

Hacemos esto creando entornos donde los estudiantes ...

Desarrollan relaciones auténticas y crecientes con Cristo y otros.
Aprenden y aplican verdades bíblicas a sus vidas diarias.
Descubren y usan sus dones para servir a los demás.
Se equipan para influenciar a otros para Cristo.

El propósito de los jóvenes de Kaio es dirigir a los jóvenes hacia Jesús, animándolos diariamente a tomar responsabilidad en su caminar con Dios y ser un miembro activo del cuerpo de Cristo en nuestra iglesia y en su comunidad.


KAIO is our weekly environment during the school year for middle and high school students. We gather together to seek God's kingdom and build bridges with students from all walks of life through food, fun, engaging worship, Christ-centered teaching, and small groups.

We currently meet twice a month on Sunday mornings

and every other week via zoom for small group.

KAIO Small Groups

Currently via Zoom

We believe that a large part of growing faith occurs when you connect with the same adult friends and leaders consistently over time, because the people in your small group ...

Know you by name

While large group is amazing and important to a life of faith, there's something powerful about having leaders and friends that know you and are there for you.

Create a safe place

When you meet and share life with the same people every week, there's the mix of friendship and trust to feel safe to open up.

We are on your team

Let's face it, life can get pretty hard at times and it's even harder when you face it alone. Small groups are meant to walk with you through the ups and downs of life.

¡Manténte conectado con lo que está sucediendo en KAIO!

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