CDL Missionaries

It is through generous donations and weekly offerings that we can support our missionaries and together advance the gospel to unreached groups.

We invite you to learn more about them:


Sherrill is a missionary ambassador to Peru and the nations.


From 2006 to 2013, Scott and his family served as missionaries in a remote area of Mexico. With an apostolic calling in his life, he has carried out many crusades where crowds have responded to the call to receive Christ.

Scott travels to many countries, teaching leaders and pastors from the heart of a father. Scott is the founder of "International Encounter of Life," Sheyovah Family Resource Center (Coban, Guatemala), the Encuentro Church (Mexico), and an additional base in an undisclosed country.

He and his wife Melody have five children and reside in Illinois, USA.


The Teele family serves with Ethnos360 to bring the hope of the Gospel to unreached tribal groups in Papua New Guinea. They have been living in the village of Wabuku since February 2017 and are currently learning the Uriay language and culture.

The country of Papua New Guinea, which is directly above Australia, is a fascinating country. There are over 800 distinct languages, most of which have never been written. Hundreds of those language groups have yet to hear the Gospel in their language.

Their goal is to plant a mature church that can function on its own and begin to reach neighboring villages and groups of people. They have four beautiful children, Kyler, Brooke, Lance, and Raylene.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19

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